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Search API Tools#

Searches may be executed in a variety of ways, depending on your needs. On this page, you will find syntax & character encoding tips, and further information on some of the ways to run Search API queries.

Syntax and Character Encoding#

Syntax tips

  1. A "?" separates the endpoint URL from the keywords.
  2. Keywords are joined by a "&". Some operating systems or programs may require a "\&"
  3. There may not be any spaces or parentheses in the URL string. See below for how to encode these characters.

Character Encoding:


replace with '%20'. Use '+' in keyword values


replace with '%28'


replace with '%29'

For a complete list of URL codes, please see URL Encoding Reference.

Escaping Characters

If you are running Search API queries via command line, you may need to escape characters. Escaping a character tells the command line interface to interpret the character literally. Some characters that need to be escaped include spaces and ampersands (&).

For more information on escaping characters, please see the Bash Scripting Guide. For Windows users, more information can be found here.

Program Details#

You may use a program to assist you with Search API queries. This section will provide some details on a few of the programs you can use to write & run Search API queries and some example commands for each.

Both Wget and cURL are often installed on Linux systems. cURL is part of the Mac OS, and Wget can be installed. Microsoft Windows OS does not come with either installed, but both can be downloaded. cURL is easier to set up on a Windows machine. aria2 can be installed on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems.

Examples using aria2#

aria2c can be used to download results from the Search API with a single command. You will need to include your Earthdata username and password, all desired keywords & values, and ensure that output=metalink.

Aria2 — Linux/Mac Example - Download Known Scene

  aria2c --http-auth-challenge=true --http-user=CHANGE_ME --http-passwd='CHANGE_ME' ""

Aria2 — Windows Example - Download Known Scene

  aria2c --check-certificate=false --http-auth-challenge=true --http-user=CHANGE_ME --http-passwd="CHANGE_ME" ""

Aria2 — Download Based on Platform and Time-Range Search

  aria2c --http-auth-challenge=true --http-user=CHANGE_ME --http-passwd='CHANGE_ME' " 37.77)&start=2016-07-01T00:00:00&output=metalink"

You can store your login credentials in a config file, instead of including them in every download command.

aria2 - Linux/Mac Example — Create and use a configuration file

  echo 'http-user=CHANGE_ME' >> aria2.conf
  echo 'http-passwd=CHANGE_ME' >> aria2.conf
  chmod 600 aria2.conf

  aria2c --conf-path=aria2.conf --http-auth-challenge=true ""

Additional aria2 options are available in the aria2 manual.

Refer to the complete documentation on configuration files for aria2.

Examples using Wget#

Once you have the download URL, you can download files individually using Wget. You can find the download URL for your desired results by first using outputs csv, json, metalink, or geojson.

Wget - Linux/Mac Example — Download a file

  wget -c --http-user=CHANGE_ME --http-password='CHANGE_ME' ""

Wget - Windows Example — Download a file

  wget --check-certificate=off -c --http-user=CHANGE_ME --http-password="CHANGE_ME" ""

  wget -c --http-user=CHANGE_ME --http-password="CHANGE_ME" ""

You can store your login credentials in a config file, instead of including them in every download command.

Wget - Linux/Mac Example — Create and use a configuration file

  echo 'http_user=CHANGE_ME' >> wget.conf
  echo 'http_password=CHANGE_ME' >> wget.conf
  chmod 600 wget.conf

  export WGETRC="wget.conf"
  wget -c ""

You can also send results to a file on your PC

Example — query results sent to a metalink file

  wget -O myfilename.metalink\&platform=ALOS\&output=metalink

Visualize Example - Mac/Linux

  wget -O myfilename.kml,ALPSRP077086550\&output=KML

Download Example - Windows

  wget -c -O myfilename.metalink,ALPSRP077086550\&output=METALINK

Additional Wget options are available in the GNU Wget Manual.

Refer to the complete documentation on configuration files for Wget.

Examples using cURL#

cURL - Mac/Linux Example


cURL - Windows Example

Note: Copy/pasting quotation marks sometimes causes errors. Delete and re-type the quotes after pasting.

  curl "" > myfilename.csv

You can also send results to a file on your PC

Mac/Linux Example — query results sent to a metalink file

  curl,ALPSRP021910740,ALPSRP085800750 >myfilename.metalink

Windows Example — query results sent to a metalink file

  curl ",ALPSRP021910740,ALPSRP085800750" > myfilename.metalink

Search Example - Mac/Linux

  curl\&asfframe=300\&output=CSV > myfilename.csv

Search Example - Windows

  curl  "" > myfilename.csv

Visualize Example - Windows

  curl ",ALPSRP077086550&output=KML" >myfilename.kml

Download Example - Windows

  curl -L ",ALPSRP077086550&output=METALINK" >myfilename.metalink

POST Requests#

Some keywords and endpoints will accept a POST request. The POST examples below are using cURL.

POST Example - WKT output from file

  curl -X POST -F 'files=@/path/to/file.geojson' ''

POST Examples - intersectsWith Keyword

  curl -X POST -F 'intersectsWith=LINESTRING(-97.1191 26.4312,-95.5371 29.1522,-83.7598 29.993,-81.5625 25.4036)' ''

You can add additional parameters to your POST request with the -F argument for each desired parameter.

  curl -X POST -F 'platform=S1' -F 'output=geojson' -F 'maxresults=10' -F 'intersectsWith=POINT(-102.4805 38.7541)' ''

For further reading, see POST requests

Web Browser#

You may run the Search API queries directly in a web browser of your choice. Simply copy and paste the query into a web browser. Any errors will be returned in JSON format.

You will need to use URL encoding for spaces and parentheses. Please refer to the Character Encoding section or see URL Encoding Reference for more details.